Key things interviewers want to see and hear from a candidate during an interview.
Whilst a job candidate is being interviewed the recruiter is busy watching and listening. Interviewers look for things they want to hear in answers to their questions, ways a candidate handles themselves during the interview and signs that indicate to them what a candidate might be like if they worked for them. We look at some of the kinds of things interviewers specifically look for, and what they want to hear when interviewing job candidates.
To start with, an interviewer wants to hear how qualified and positive the candidate is. They want to know that that the candidate is genuinely interested in the job and not just looking for the salary. It’s important to highlight specific skills that connect to the day-to-day job responsibilities.
Qualities and Skills Interviewers Look Out For
Communication Skills
It’s important to demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively across a number of mediums, including verbally, writing, by email, lists and phone messages, on the phone, and with body language. Remember, communication also includes listening skills and the ability to follow directions and provide feedback.
Interviewers want to know they can trust the candidate in putting them forward for the job. Give clear accurate information and be truthful throughout the recruitment process.
Work Ethic
Be on time for the interview – arrive at least 15 minutes early. Demonstrate a good work ethic in your previous roles.
Technical& Skills Competency
Interviewers are looking for certain skills and technical competency. Be prepared to illustrate that you have the skills set and are will to constantly improve and develop.
Willingness to Add to Knowledge and Skills
Recruiters want future employees who are willing to improve and update their knowledge and skills. As businesses and industries change, there is a need to keep up to date with new information, expand knowledge and explore new ways of doing things. Interviewers look for candidates with a willingness to keep learning, and a willingness to pass it on to others.
Organisations require flexibility from their employees. Be prepared to demonstrate and highlight how you can react and adapt quickly to changing business conditions.
Problem-Solving Skills
Interviewers look for people who are motivated to take on new challenges with minimal direction. They are looking for people who can work independently and see when something needs to be done and react accordingly.
Ability to Work with Others
Employers and managers look for people who can work as a team and harmoniously with other. They look for candidates who can demonstrate that they can get along with colleagues and who can work with others effectively in different circumstances.
Determination & Persistence
Interviewers are looking for determination and persistence. It is important to show that you are able to work hard and keep moving forward even when there are obstacles.
Organisations and managers want and need to trust their employees to work professionally to promote the company’s best interests. Candidates should demonstrate that they are loyal and trustworthy.
Key Indicators Interviewers Look At
Does the candidate answer the questions asked
Listen carefully to the interviewer and answer the actual questions asked. So listen to the whole question and respond naturally. If you jump ahead to practice your answer in your head while the interviewer is still talking, that’s a big turnoff. Trust yourself and find your own words. Be conversational. It will help you connect with the interviewer, which is what you want to do.
A candidate’s body language
Check your body language. Its critical to sit up straight, look professional, smile when you speak and be as natural as possible. Be aware of any fidgets or unnecessary body movements, eg tapping your finger or foot, clicking a pen.
Eye contact
Make eye contact, and look at the interviewer in the eyes in a natural way.
Is the candidate showing their real self
Its important to be natural and be truthful throughout the interview.
Does the candidate understand the job role
Make sure you have researched and are familiar with the job position being recruited for.
Has the candidate researched the company
As well as researching the job, you should also research the company. Check what the company does, what the business is about, the specialties of the division or department you’re interviewing for.
Does the candidate have the skills for the job
Check the job description before you apply and interview. You will have to show evidence during the interview that you have the skills and technical expertise for the job.
The right personality for the job
Having the right personality and being the right fit for the job is key. Finding this in a candidate is is an important part of an interviewer’s job.
Does the candidate have appropriate expectations
Companies want to know if candidates are a good fit for the job and also if the job will be a good fit for the candidate. Interviewers want to recruit people who will be happy in the job and the role within the organisation.
A good fit for the company culture
Be yourself throughout the process. Interviewers want to know if the candidate will be right for the company ethos and culture.
Adaptability and flexibility
Interviewers will often use behavioral based questions during the interview. Eg, where interviewers ask how you handled things in the past, to assess your ability to respond to certain scenarios and situations.
Prepare your jobs experience recounts well. Eg things you’ve managed to improve or solve or help get done.
Resourceful & problem solving
Organisations look for candidates who are resourceful and able to solve problems. Use previous job experience stories that illustrate how you can manage to get things done and can problem solve.
High maintenance
Organisations do not want high maintenance employees. Recruiters will be looking for tell- tale signs throughout the interview process.
Respects management
A company wants to know if someone will work well with managers and respect the company’s mission and culture. Research the company and don’t criticise previous employers.
Self-starters and Self motivated
Interviewers look for people who are self- motivated and can work independently as well as with a team and co- workers
What is the candidate like to work with
Interviewers look for positive additions in the workplace. Will the candidate do their share of the work, do they work well with others, and can they be trusted. Its important to demonstrate that you will fit in.